Thursday, February 14, 2008

Less Nature 2

The big media has been talking about the latest Pergams/Zaradic study.

Newsweek reports :
Yet now that ideal is threatened—according to a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences—by a "fundamental and pervasive shift" since at least the 1980s away from the activity known to Thoreau as "walking in the woods," now designated "nature-based recreation." The study—not coincidentally funded by The Nature Conservancy—warns of a danger Thoreau could not foresee: that the natural world cannot be saved if people aren't willing to set foot in it.
MSNBC talks videophilia, posting an AP story on the study.
As people spend more time communing with their televisions and computers, the impact is not just on their health, researchers say. Less time spent outdoors means less contact with nature and, eventually, less interest in conservation and parks.

A "Nation of Indoorsman" , watch the video on NBC News. Eighty million fewer visits...